Local, trustworthy & reliable tradesmen, operating to Government endorsed standards. TrustMark is a not for profit organisation, licensed by Government and supported by consumer protection groups.
The FMB is the UK’s largest trade association in the building sector, with national offices in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The FMB is a trade association established 70 years ago to protect the interests of small and medium-sized building firms.
An increasing number of national regulations are little more than national adaptations of European legislation in the energy, social, fiscal and standardization domains, usually implemented without properly assessing their impact on SMEs.
Six national associations representing construction craftsmen in several European countries therefore joined forces in 1990 to establish the
EBC – European Builders Confederation – the Voice of Construction Crafts and SMEs in Europe.
Local Authority Building Control (LABC) represents all local authority building control teams in England and Wales. Our members work cooperatively with building owners, home owners, architects, plan drawers, developers, building contractors and other professionals to ensure buildings are safe, healthy and efficient to meet the standards set by the building regulations.